Service-Learning Projects: What Students’ Reflections Reveal


  • Clementina Esther Adams Clemson University


Service-learning projects, especially the ones focused on the community, and on the Hispanic community in particular, need to be based on real felt and documented needs, and the outcomes need to be assessed in order to decide the worth and possible sustainability of the projects. This paper will focus on service-learning samples from my courses, addressed to the Hispanic Community in the ------- of ----- --------. The projects have been implemented as part of the assessment criteria used to assign students’ grades. A needs assessment survey was conducted earlier to determine the areas of work that students would address in their service-learning projects. At the conclusion of each semester students are required to provide a written page about their projects, not only from the point of view of application or enrichment of their learning, but also from their attitude and feelings about the service provided. Using students’ reflection documentation, a qualitative analysis and conclusions will be provided to document the relative importance and worth of the different service-learning projects analyzed.

Keywords: category, level, reflection, assessment, interaction, individual, collective, barriers, leader, community.

Author Biography

Clementina Esther Adams, Clemson University

Professor of Spansih and Health in Spanish in the Department of Languages


